
on the road

In 2020 6 members of the OGPC, Tina Petrovicz, Valerie Bridgeman, Susan Cartwright, Laurence Finet, Dale Shutt and Louis Guay along with Rob Hinchley participated in the Steamroller printing event in Shawville, QC. Now the 14 prints they created are going on the road! The first stop for this exciting touring exhibit will be at the Stone School Gallery in Portage du Fort.

The theme of the exhibit is interconnection, with each artist exploring different aspects of our interconnection to nature, the environment, our community, our history and one another . The exhibit includes a video of the printing day.

The Vernissage is Friday June 11th, 2021. The show runs June 12th to July 11th. Please note masks are required indoors like all public places. Safety precautions will be in place and no more than 25 people will be allowed in the building at a time in accordance with local health authority rules.

sur la route

En 2020, 6 membres du CAGOG, Tina Petrovicz, Valerie Bridgeman, Susan Cartwright, Laurence Finet, Dale Shutt et Louis Guay ainsi que Rob Hinchley ont participé à l’événement d’impression Steamroller à Shawville, QC. Les 14 tirages qu’ils ont créés partent maintenant en tournée ! Le premier arrêt de cette passionnante exposition itinérante se fera au Galerie de l’école en pierre, à Portage-du-Fort, QC.

Le thème de l’exposition est l’interconnexion, chaque artiste explorant différents aspects de notre interconnexion avec la nature, l’environnement, notre communauté, notre histoire et les autres. L’exposition comprend une vidéo de la journée d’impression.

Le vernissage aura lieu le vendredi 11 juin 2021. L’exposition se déroule du 12 juin au 11 juillet. Veuillez noter que les masques sont obligatoires à l’intérieur comme dans tous les lieux publics. Des mesures de sécurité seront mises en place et pas plus de 25 personnes ne seront autorisées dans le bâtiment à la fois, conformément aux règles des autorités sanitaires locales.


a virtual exhibition of mixed media prints by members of the Ottawa-Gatineau Printmaking Connective

en français

The 32 prints in this exhibition, by 17 members of the Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers’ Connective (OGPC), offer many interesting examples of mixed media art. Some feature several printmaking media (intaglio and relief printing, for example), while others combine printmaking with drawing, painting, collage and found materials, such as maps and nautical charts. 

Mixed media work offers artists the freedom to explore the impact and effect of different media in a single piece of art and to connect to viewers through a multi-layered work. For artists who wish to salvage portions of prints that for some reason were deemed unsuitable for an edition, a cropped or combined print may well render a more powerful and evocative piece.

For some artists, the formality and discipline of a print may be successfully paired with the looseness of brush strokes and gestures in paint, ink, graphite, charcoal or other drawing and painting materials, creating an inner tension that they could not have achieved with a single medium.

This exhibition, which will run online May 25th to September 16th, was curated by Susan Cartwright and Beth Shepherd, with assistance from Tina Petrovicz, Madeleine Rousseau, Katherine Stauble and Roger Sutcliffe.

We hope you enjoy the works assembled here..



Exposition virtuelle d’arts imprimés et techniques mixtes du Collectif d’artistes-graveurs d’Ottawa-Gatineau

Dix-sept membres du Collectif d’artistes-graveurs d’Ottawa-Gatineau (CAGOG) participent à cette exposition regroupant trente-deux œuvres originales qui offrent de nombreux exemples intéressants des techniques mixtes appliquées aux arts imprimés. Certains artistes font appel à plusieurs techniques d’impression telles que la gravure en creux et en relief alors que d’autres combinent les arts imprimés avec le dessin, la peinture, le collage et les objets trouvés, comme des cartes et des graphiques nautiques. 

Travailler en techniques mixtes offre aux artistes la liberté d’explorer l’impact et l’effet de divers arts visuels en une seule œuvre d’art et de rejoindre le public par le biais d’une œuvre à plusieurs niveaux. Les artistes-graveurs produisent des épreuves d’estampes qui, pour une raison ou une autre, ne font pas partie d’une édition. Celles-ci peuvent être retravaillées, par un cadrage différent ou un montage par exemple pour devenir des oeuvres plus puissantes et évocatrices.

Pour certains artistes, la formalité et la discipline associées à la création d’estampes se jumellent bien à la souplesse des coups de pinceau et à la gestuelle propre à la peinture, l’encre, le graphite, le fusain ou d’autres matériaux de dessin et de peinture.  Il en résulte une tension intrinsèque impossible à créer avec un seul médium.

Cette exposition est organisée par Susan Cartwright et Beth Shepherd, avec l’aide de Tina Petrovicz, Madeleine Rousseau, Katherine Stauble et Roger Sutcliffe. L’exposition virtuelle se tiendra du 25 mai au 16 septembre.

Espérant que les oeuvres rassemblées ici sauront vous plaire.


Exhibiting Artists (not in order of appearance) / Les artists exposants (pas dans l’ordre d’apparition): Luigina Baratoo, Cheryl Ann Beillard, Susan Cartwright, Murray Dineen, Peter Dolan, Deidre Hierlihy, Aileen Leo, Tina Petrovicz, Shealagh Pope, Rod Restivo, Madeleine Rousseau, Beth Shepherd, Dale Shutt, Katherine Stauble, Moira Toomey, Anamaria Gomez Upegui, Doug Williams

Click on the artwork to have more information and see a close-up view./ Cliquez sur l’œuvre d’art pour avoir plus d’informations et voir un gros plan.

Waterworks on Paper: Exhibition and Print Exchange


As the snow melts and the ice breaks up, we can all start to enjoy the kinds of scenes depicted in Waterworks on Paper, a collaboration between OGPC and the Mahone Bay Printmakers. On view at the Lunenburg Art Gallery, Lunenburg, NS, April 2-May 1, the 22 works demonstrate a variety of approaches to the theme of water, from figurative to abstract works, and from mezzotint to etching, relief and photogravure.

The participating OGPC artists are Mary Baranowski-Lowden, Sylvia Bretzloff, Valerie Bridgeman, Susan Cartwright, Peter Dolan, Deidre Hierlihy, Rob Hinchley, Freida Hjartarson, Katherine Stauble, Roger Sutcliffe and Shealagh Pope.

Sadly, due to the pandemic, the exhibition will no longer be on view at the Ottawa School of Art in April. Check back here for future dates.

Click here to see the complete show.

This project is dedicated to Ed Porter, artist, sailor, kind gentleman, Prof. Emeritus NSCAD U, and founder of Mahone Bay Printmakers.

‘Waterworks on paper’ — Une exposition et échange d’estampes

À mesure que la neige fond et que la glace se brise, nous pouvons tous commencer à apprécier le genre de scènes dépeintes dans Waterworks on Paper, une collaboration entre le CAGOG et le Mahone Bay Printmakers. Exposées à la Lunenburg Art Gallery, Lunenburg, N.-É., du 2 avril au 1er mai, les 22 œuvres illustrent bien la variété d’expression visuelle du thème de l’eau, allant des œuvres figuratives aux œuvres abstraites, et de la manière noire à l’eau-forte, au relief et à la photogravure.

Les artistes participants du CAGOG sont Mary Baranowski-Lowden, Sylvia Bretzloff, Valerie Bridgeman, Susan Cartwright, Peter Dolan, Deidre Hierlihy, Rob Hinchley, Freida Hjartarson, Katherine Stauble, Roger Sutcliffe et Shealagh Pope.

Malheureusement, en raison de la pandémie, l’exposition ne pourra pas être visitée à l’École d’art d’Ottawa en avril. Revenez ici pour connaître les prochaines dates.

Pour voir l’exposition complète cliquez ici.

Ce projet est dédié à Ed Porter, artiste, marin, gentilhomme, professeur émérite de NSCAD U, et fondateur de Mahone Bay Printmakers.

Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers Connective

To see more information and a close-up of an individual print please click on the artwork image. / Pour obtenir plus d’information et voir un gros plan d’une estampe en particulier  veuillez cliquer sur l’image de l’œuvre.

Participating OGPC members (in order of appearance) / Les artistes participants de la CAGOG  (en ordre de présentation) :

Deidre Hierlihy, Katherine Stauble, Mary Baranowski-Lowden, Roger Sutcliffe, Peter Dolan, Valerie Bridgeman, Susan Cartwright, Shealagh Pope, Robert Hinchley, Freida Hjartarson, Sylvia Bretzloff


Mahone Bay Printmakers

To see more information and a close-up of an individual print please click on the artwork image. / Pour obtenir plus d’information et voir un gros plan d’une estampe en particulier  veuillez cliquer sur l’image de l’œuvre.

Participating members of Mahone Bay (in order of appearance)/ Les artistes participants de Mahone Bay (en ordre de présentation) :

Sally Warren, Sherry Hudson, Anne Tweed, Pauline Martland, Diana Baldwin, Kristiina Lehtonen, Allison Tremain, Ed Porter, Carrie Phillips-Kieser, Jeff Gibson, Kate Church


BIG Lino

New Group Show at the OGPC Gallery

January 9 through March 5, 2020 / le 9 janvier au 5 mars 2020

The theme of this show is BIG. Eleven artists are exhibiting 14 works that convey the idea of BIG not only through their physical size, but by addressing major issues, portraying huge subjects, or in their use of bold mark-making. The versatility of linocut as a medium is also showcased.

At the Nepean Creative Arts Centre / Au centre des arts créatifs de Nepean, 35 rue Stafford Rd (Bells Corners) Ottawa ON K2H 8V8       613-596-5783

Gallery hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 10:00 pm, Saturday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, and Sunday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

All are welcome at the Vernissage on Thursday, January 23, 6:00 – 7:00 pm / le jeudi, 23 janvier, 18h – 19h

Artists / Artistes:

Valerie Bridgeman, Susan Cartwright, Deidre Hierlihy, Aileen Leo, Shealagh Pope, Rod Restivo, Madeleine Rousseau, Beth Shepherd, Katherine Stauble, Charmaine Swain, and Francine Walker.

Guest Curator/ Commissaire invitée: Shealagh Pope

Watermark* by Carol Howard Donati

Watermark* November 11 – 16
Gallery 115, Visual Arts, University of Ottawa, 100 Laurier Ave
Reception: Tuesday, November 12, 6 – 9 PM (use Cumberland Street entrance)

You are invited to reach up and add an impression of your hand-print to a cumulative community mural on the gallery walls.
Using paints provided, add colour to your hand then reach as high as you can on the wall and make your mark! Hand painting station provided.

Over the last few years I have been documenting the unusual height of spring flooding on the Ottawa River near where I live, including evidence of the high-water mark left across local vegetation as the waters recede. With Watermark I invite others to share my new awareness of extreme weather conditions and join with me in creating a mural of handprints around the gallery wall at approximately the two meter mark. Two meters is the average height above normal that the Ottawa River reached at its peak in my area this spring. Recreating this mark by reaching up the wall allows us to physically register our presence within the height of local flooding while at the same time signaling through our cumulate show of hands the potential of our collective agency in the face of environmental crisis.

Wa-ter-mark (def)

  • The line marking the level reached by a body of water
  • A distinguishing symbol that identifies identity, genuineness, value

Where do we fit as individuals in the climate change crisis?
How are we impacted?
How can we make a mark against the flood of extreme effects impacting our planet today?
You are invited to reach up and add an impression of your hand-print to a cumulative community mural on the gallery walls.
Using paints provided, add colour to your hand then reach as high as you can on the wall and make your mark! Hand painting station provided.

*We acknowledge that this event is taking place on land that is part of the unceded and unsurrendered Traditional Territory of the Algonquin people. We honour the Algonquin people and elders whose ancestors have occupied this territory since time immemorial and whose culture has nurtured and continue to nurture this land and its people.

OGPC at Arts and Crafts Fair in Sandy Hill Ottawa- Nov. 9 2019

Members of Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers Connective will be participating in the One and Only Arts and Crafts Fair on November 9, 2019 10am-4pm at the Sandy Hill Community Centre in Ottawa. Free admission.

We will have original prints for sale (50$ or less) as well as hand printed greeting cards, bookmarks, notebooks and other printed material.  

Great gifts for family & friends or for yourself ! 

Come visit our table! 

Culture Days 2019 Activities

September 27 to 29, 2019 Ontario Culture Days will be a vibrant weekend of expression to explore the intersections of creativity, the arts, and well-being. During the Culture Days in Ottawa On, the Ottawa-Gatineau Printmaker’s Connective will open its print studio to the public, and hold a vernissage for its current show in the Gallery, where you can meet the artists.


Meet printmakers at work, inking, using the press and making prints!
Dates and time:
Thursday Sept. 26, 2019: 6-8PM
Friday Sept. 27, 2019: 10AM-5PM
Location: Nepean Creative Arts Centre, 35 Stafford Rd in Bells Corners.


The vernissage for the current show on collagraph prints will take place on Thursday Sept. 26, from 5:30PM- 8:30PM in the Gallery space.
Thirteen local printmakers have over 20 original hand pulled prints in this show.
A collagraph is basically a printed collage, allowing the artist a lot of freedom to get texture and colours in a print. Everyone welcome! Bring a friend!
15% of sales of prints are donated to the City-run Young at Art Program.

Location: Nepean Creative Arts Centre, 35 Stafford Rd in Bells Corners.

Works on Paper at the Stone School

Many members of the OGPC including Tina Petrovicz, Murray Dineen, Valerie Bridgeman and Freida Hjartson are participating in an exhibition featuring original 5″x 7″ artwork from the 2019 PAA “Works on Paper Exhibition and Exchange”. One piece from the exchange is being exhibited and sold unframed as a fundraiser for Pontiac Artist Association. The vernissage is on July 26 6- 8 PM. The show runs until Aug 18th at the Stone School Gallery in Portage-du-fort, Quebec.


by Francine Walker

Since I was new to printmaking and didn’t know whether I would continue to seriously pursue my skills, I thought it best to make a press rather than investing in an expensive one.  As it turns out, it was a good investment of less than two hundred dollars. It works well, is solid and easily transportable.  

I went for a 15” wide platen which seemed an ideal width to allow slightly larger prints. If I use a wide paper, I find it’s a good idea to roll the side edges from the back of the paper to ensure good coverage of the sides. The length is irrelevant as I can move the register front and back and simply come down with the bottle jack a few times. Below is a photo of the finished product. Here is the link to a web site article (no press no problem) which gives all the dimensions and materials needed. All the materials which were used are available in Ottawa. The metal posts are available at Canadian Tire, Home Depot and Lowes.

Image of a hydraulic press for printmaking.
Hydraulic press – Photo by Francine Walker