Roger Sutcliffe OGPC Member Show

This summer a selection of 17 work from the extended series Patience: A Space for Reflection and Thought will be on view in Ottawa at the Ottawa School of Art off-site location at Preston Square.  Roger Sutcliffe, an OGPC member, invites you to visit this excellent exhibition!

Later this summer if you are travelling to or from Toronto, Roger hopes you have the chance to take a break in Belleville and visit Shifting Lens 2024, an exhibition in Galleries 1 and 2 of the John M. Parrott Gallery, Belleville, to see the works of 22 artists from the Ontario Society of Artists. This exhibition included 63 works and includes 3 of Roger’s abstract paintings (see attached invite).


Open House/Portes Ouvertes

Nepean Creative Arts Centre/ Centre des arts créatifs de Nepean

June 23 juin , 1 to 4 pm/ 23 juin, 13 h à 16 h

Free admission/ Entrée gratuite

Join us for an afternoon of live performances, art exhibits, workshops, demos, and tours featuring: 

  • Canadian Showtime Chorus 
  • Capital Circus 
  • Divine Rhythm Creative Arts 
  • Kalinka Dance Group  
  • KingDom Theatre 
  • Les Petits Ballets 
  • Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers’ Connective 
  • Outaouais Wood Carvers 
  • Suzart Productions 
  • The Lakeside Players 

Food vendors will be on site for tasty purchases. 


Joignez-vous à nous pour un après-midi de spectacles en direct, d’expositions artistiques, d’ateliers, de démonstrations et de visites guidées. Au programme :  

Canadian Showtime  
Chorus Capital Circus  
Divine Rythm Creative Arts  
Kalinka Dance Group  
KingDom Theatre  
Les Petits Ballets   
Collectif d’artistes graveurs d’Ottawa-Gatineau  
Outaouais Wood Carvers  
Suzart Productions  
The Lakeside Players  

De délicieux aliments seront en vente sur place.