The Ontario Mini Print Exhibition (TOMPE) opens in London, Ontario on July 29th, 2020 and runs until August 15th. At least four OGPC members have had work accepted by the jury (Madeleine Rousseau, Roger Sutcliffe, Laurence Finet and Susan Cartwright).
Update: Susan Cartwright was awarded an Honourable Mention for her linocut reduction print “Peanut II”!

Organizers have installed the show at Satellite Project Space gallery and will also be presenting it virtually online. The gallery is open Wednesday-Friday 2pm-7pm and Saturday 12pm-5pm. You are invited to visit the show in person or online. If you live out of town, the organizers request that you contact them to book a time to visit the gallery. This way you can visit at your desired time as only four people are allowed in the gallery at once. Masks are required in the gallery and there will be hand sanitizer available at the front door.

You are also invited to join the virtual opening reception for TOMPE2020 on Wednesday, August 5th at 7:00pm. Details on how to join the live event will be sent out closer to. Please spread the word!