at the Nepean Creative Arts Centre is now up. And what a beautiful space it is too!
Entitled “Stone to Plastic: A 200 Year Journey,” the exhibition now available to the print artist. Alongside the traditional techniques of stone lithography, the exhibit shows certain new lithographic trends. These include waterless and polyester plate lithography, as well as the technique of mokolito – the Japanese practice of plywood lithography. The exhibition includes both representational and abstract works, as well as works combining both lithography and other printmaking techniques. The exhibition is up from June 5th to September 6th.
To celebrate the re-opening of the gallery, there will be a get-together on Friday June 28, from 7PM- 8:30PM at the Gallery. Please bring a small snack (two or three portions) to share, e.g., cheese, fruits, veggies, chips or baked goods. OGPC will supply drinks and plates. Thank you!
We are very pleased with the new exhibition gallery, which increases the space available for prints considerably, and which is painted in a colour designed to complement the artworks. To Penelope Kokkinos and Lisa Zanyk: thank you for all your hard work in putting this new space together!
Pictures are by Roger Sutcliffe. The following artists are participants: Freida Hjartarson, Beth Shepherd, Katherine Stauble, Murray Dineen, Susan Cartwright, Rod Restivo, Charmaine Swain, Deidre Hierlihy, and Roger Sutcliffe (curator/organizer).